Monday, August 25, 2003

so a bit more eh?

ive met more of the group and so far it is rounding out to a rather normal, all white, boo-gee, group of priviliged college kids, or perchance brats is a more accurate term.

i dont really mind all that much - well i do and more so because i am totally one of those kids and i attempt to find justification in my actions by learning about others and others cultures and others actions others reasons for doing what they do and why they do it. it is some pathetic attempt to be wordly to have knowledge of all cultures and thus be able to help create a world in which we all can live. is that too far fetched? perchance. but look at me, do you think i give a shit about you think is too farfetched there hasnt been one single idea that has changed the world that hasnt been far fetched and hwo i am to change tradition, eh?

haha the silly insertion of others languages and accents into my own, the disgust at the universality of english and the blatant ignorance of most of the others on the trip - be it ignorance to the culture we are in or be it ignorance to the current exchange rate - it is just plain and simple ignorance. and i hate it. and it is so hard not to want to scream and yell at people when they are commit egregious acts of pain, hate, killing, ignorance, and i hate to say, cause this word is over used, mis used, and just rude, but stupid. Americans are generally stupid and this has been confirmed by my hanging out with them in a foreign country - so can someone mail me a machete?

and fer fucks sake - duct tape is expensive in barcelona.

with love

and i miss my friends from home bad. i hope y'all are stirring the pot!

with more love

Sunday, August 24, 2003


barcelona. rather spectacular i think. beautiful alleyways, beautiful people, a surpisingly decent selection of vegan food - huge markets which allow me to live off mostly fruit and vegetables - yay!

the people who have arrived on the trip are fun so far - nicole is great - jen and jen are cool and the rest are as well i just realized that it would take too many extra letters to go through everyone and i am doing that in my journal via hand everynight anyway. this is just for the imaginary persons who read this. ha.

i dunno

ive been thinking too muh cabout the loneliness and the people thing and the group realtions thing being that i am going to be interacting in a group of 20 odd people for 4 months it is definately something that is on my mind quite a bit. and the winners as far as pure up physical attractiveness are jen and nicole - nicole does well on the mental as well, and this random lady from toronto shuba was freaking rocking the class inequality discussion last night which was sweet.

ive been thinking ha both paragraphs start the same about my self and why i do things and such and so on and the usaul and gosh i dont think i think im in the right frame of mind to write in this right now. so to whomever might reading this ive got to stop.

with love


fuck that this is silly im so freaking torn between what i should do and the fact that i really dont like the situation i am in right with this whole travelling thing. i feel likle a booo-gee-fuck and i hate that. i do not want to be travelling around europe while people starve all across the world i dont want to be here while huge ass decisions are beign made that will affect the entire future of the world are happening in north america.

i think evasion really fucked with my head. like really fucked with my head. all i want right now is to fuckinglive and im nto so sure that this is living and i cant seem tostop judgin myself or thinkmk that others are jdugin by my jus tme and ebing.

gah there are others waiting for the computer dso im making this quick. but eyah ill type wthe whol ine upo once i write it out and gah. go read evaqsion and let it rot your brain.

with love, again.

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

im am alive and in barcelona

meet with jen on the flight over and she is rather excellent.

ill post more later when i find the time.

with love

Sunday, August 17, 2003

the final portion of my journal from south africa - it will never be an adequate representation of what went on - but it does offer you a window into my mind. enjoy.

July 9th
gorgeous, stunning, beautiful, pick the adjective you like and insert it here.
the lack of punctuality disturbs me, im sorry but it does.
the tension swells between the group leaders.
i feel so ugh. mostly because the beauty of knynsa is reminding me of visions of hawaii - making me think of how much vanessa would enjoy this. of how we could climb down the cliffside and enjoy the beach below -
i feel constrained - mostly by the absurdity of the situation of how we submit to and enjoy rules barriers laws so much.
that evening we had a home cooked meal with mary - a relative to archie - fantastic food fantastic food. better than the food was the vibe of the house and commraderie that was shared by all present. sitting around a fire drinking, discussing talking, enjoying each other as human beings. it was good times. then we went off to some shit ass club. it sucked i knew it would suck but i went anyway. and it still sucked.
hung out with some locals and ate 4 luna bars to cap off the night. potatoes are yummy.

July 10th
today we have been to two different places that exploit animals for profit! sweet! it angered me. mostly because everyone seemed to enjoy it so much. i isolated myself. the second place a crocodile and animal park/sanctuary was better, but the place was still caging animals for profit and pleasure. but they are beautiful magnificent stunning - although i did not earn the right to view this marvels of nature, i simply paid an bunch of cash to catch quick glimpses through steel bars and from wooden walkways suspended above the tiny enclosures of the lions cheetahs leopards and tigers. i paid 50 rand to pet a cheetah, i was almost in tears while there. it was some intense shit feeling the power the realness watching them pace in the cage knowing the tiny space that they were in was wrong like the small space we are in is wrong, although we lock ourselves in voluntarily. and the money went to protecting and propagating the species, so thats how i justified it. and i have a certificate saying such.
i purchased and ate some frozen fake chicken. yum.
after the exploitation we were carted off to visit a member of archies family. aunt betty, old, we visited her becuase she had lived in an area of land that was designated whites only and they were coloured and thus forced to move. i guess it was to show us the horro of the apratheid gov. it just made me angry as she was talking about ogd god god. also ashe was ebgining to suffer from alzhieners and that just made me feel as if my garand ma was inthe rrroom, it was so shockingly similar to how my grandma was acting in the begining of the disease and now she is wasted little ball of half life on a bed in wyckoff wieghing nno more than 70 punds and the bastard doctors wont let her die and are delaying out removing of ehr form the hospitla because they are miling ehr for 8000bucks ammonth. that is some fucked ups hit. again the making profit on the siclk and dying. fear of death. people actually keeeping others alive jsut to make mopney off of them. making them comfortabl they say but they are actually killing them. keeping them alive and suffering whewn they arent even alivde. this is what we have coxme too, being so petrifeid off deatyh thtat we keep dead people aliove. we kepp peopla alive who cannot even process thoiughs. it makes me want to smash things even more. god.
is my attitude - my opinion - sanctified and morally right do i act that way? do i?
sleep, last night, was excellent. then a 5 hour bus ride with a half hour stop at an aloe farm - silly - interesting - laid in the sun and smiled.
we got back to capetown friday, had falafel and slept. saturday was a free day. nothing exceptional happened. i chitt chatted with some girls, the one i remembered, taryn, from ohio, beautiful, nipple piercings, and cherokee blood. my goes a flutter. flutter flutter. after running around a bit and getting back to the hotel, i went off with nate, caroline, melissa, yasmine to mcdonads because i wasnt doing anything. when we got there i stayed outside because of the smell, walked a few feet away from the main window of the store and proceded to get robbed. it was 80 rand and one america dollar. i had it he wanted it and i gave it. he was angry, he shook and kissed my hand and left.
i am an intellectual bully. swwet, no, not sweet. i need to listen - and ask questions not to verbally dominate and intellectually bully people.
i told the group i got robbed. the got wierd. davis was told. he offered me a 100 rand and i told him no cause that aint cool.
after the robbery - wrote a letter to caitlin - i think we will be able to chill before each of us depart in the fall.
im out on the 19th to europe fucking intense - i mean serious - serious shit.
worked out krazy fest details yesterday. if anything, yesterday was painful but successful. I accomplished a lot of things. went to archies fam to eat, the past was excellent. then we went off to a club, i went wild, i whalled out, i was a high roller, i got drunk, i guess i jsut wanted to escape from the bullshit by wasting more money. ha. i was robbed. it happens. being robbed on the outside wont change my inside. im still happy.

july 15th
driving across the sa coutryside - looking at the dilapedated schools - the shanty towns
the upper class white indian coloured suburbs - people sleeping on the side of the road
people pissing - kids rooting in garbage -

watching children play soccer/football on an empty field. i have thoughts of our group playing with them and while i would suck i think they would be ok with it. laughing in an understanding manner. would they?

is extreme competitiveness and perfection an american thing? or is an international phenomenon.

can people have fun?

i can!

free day. hiked the fuck out of table mountian. it was just exhilarating superb ideal amazing challenging and the day was peppered with tintilating conversation.
ive been reading a whole bunch. too deep then was great, chomped it down in two hours, a little less than. such an amazing read. left me wanting more like good sex. panting and wide eyed. smiles.

july 16th
today was today
and today was interesting.
ate the breakfast and lost my dreams. will attempt to keep book by bed.
"amazing how we get back to nature when our crutches are removed" - letlapa mphalele

july 17th
the day draws long with the trip as both draw to a close. im again with the feeling of supreme lonliness that rears its head at the end of every journey i take - usually coupled with a maddening desire to embrace the masses of humanity with reckless abandon - searching for the bliss that can only be attained through a blinding of the mind with intoxicants - touch - and physical somthing.
the is/has/was crazy combination of thoughts - and reading ive read 5 books on this journey. long walk to freedom - mandela, a history of south africa - leonard thompson, too deep then - cummings, child of the soil - letlapa mphalele, things fall apart - chinua achebe. all of them added a different level to my attempted understanding of the south africa state of affairs.
i can still hear the ocean of humanity calling me. mockingly - inticing me to give and join them - how i desire to be accepted and wanted - how i desire - madly even.
July 18th
district 6 musuem - the deadline draws nearer.
ive been doing yoga and running the stairs.
i think im begining to push limits i never should of set.

July 20th
this is the begining of the end or is it the begining of the middle of a leg of my journey - while i may be returning from south africa feeling as i've been through - well like i was dragged behind a 4x4 land cruiser careening at breakneck speeds through the bush - soak in emotion water - covered with exi've been through - well like i was dragged behind a 4x4 land cruiser careening at breakneck speeds through the bush - soaked in emotion water - covered with experience mud and filled with pain both physical and mental
a proper recounting of my experiences is impossible - there was far too many adventures of far too many kinds to even be communicated in words.
i pause and reflect - quickly on the plane - thinking i should of madde copies of the letters i wrote. some of those letters were marginally successful at capturing how i was feeling felt.
Regrets: not calling the Cherokee or Stacy.
spending approximately 300 rand on booze. not wise! but much better than London, however a bit worse than home or china.
not giving more of what i had to the street kids - jonny, donovan...
eating as much as i did - i was certainly a gourmand - a glutton - i want to scream "i can't help it!" but i can - i most certainly can.
distraction rears its lead screened head. although replete with good animation making me smile.
not climbing table mountain again - it was exhilarating exciting fun challenging sweaty simply majestic and both humbling and godding.
godding = making one feel like a god by seeing a large area of land from an elevated position, vast horizons, generally not cityscapes.
food consumption was pretty wasteful on my part. my waste of funds at times. a few specific examples examples come to mind - over indulgent - bad for me - as a person - unhealthy - not sustainable - not fair - not wise for the above reasons and makes me fell icky bad not nice not good.
shall we move onto the positives of the trip?
the regular exercise - yoga stairs more physicalness in general gets a selection of positive words - growth in this area is longed for.
regular writing writing - again a positive thing - although cajoled and produced due to a demand and not a desire. it was it is a pleasure to write daily or often at least. and the joys that writing a letter can produce are unrivaled and outstrip email by miles.
sticking to ME! i was vociferous in my defense and practice of me!
i'm not sure a recount of me is needed here and i hesitate to produce such a transcript for my reasons intent thoughts what have you.
group interaction was good great superb 8 out of 10 mixed very well amazingly well i thought and when conflicts arose they were tackled immediately with honest discussion and results compromises pleasing to all.
this trip offered me a large selection of lessons applicable to my journey in the fall.
and you thought i was crazy before...


i leave in less than 48 hours. my nervousness is reaching unprecedented hieghts. i wish i had brought that rope with me.

love life and lentil soup

im lost what does that mean? why did i choose those words to describe how i was feeling that day. was it becuase i was eating lentil soup? and that aside from food, love is my other addiction that occurs so infrequently that whenever the possibility of a fix is avaible i tend to jump at the offer like an urchin diving for some dropped coins on the street. who knows.

im about to leave for europe, less than 60 hours now and im already doing the nervous hand thing. the nervous mind thing the nervous thing. its odd, cause i dont get nervous prior to travel. it reallly does not happen all that often. but i guess there is a first time for everything and when i speak of enjoying new experiences that force me to think, act, react, and exist in ways i have not before - i guess this is one of those times - one of those not so obvious but still right in front of me oppurtunities to confront myself and stick to my word. i cant wait.

so to you, you, you and you. enjoy. enjoy everything put infront of you, ever. enjoy the lot you've got in life and then change it, see what it is, what it has to offer, and why and re write the code for that system, and run on alternate programming. no matter how small the change or the differences the change or difference is just that, change and difference. and change and difference promote growth promote smile promote happiness and success challenges and they encourage you to be your best and then scrap that promontory for the next availble hand hold on anything. whether the direction is different or similar change is constant and everything else is irrelevant. isnt it? it is to me, only sometimes, and that just keeps changing.

with love

Tuesday, August 12, 2003

it is hard to ensure peace
while being chase by the police
because you are protesting in the streets
the misdeeds of the corporate elite
so what do you expect of me?

all i want is peace
all i want is for everyman to have a house for everywoman to be able to feed her kids without killing someone for food.

all i want is freedom all i want is happiness but when pushed to my limits i get pissed and have this crazy urge to smash shit. and i dont want that. that is not peace and that is not me and that does promote freedom or equality all i want is peace

and this cannot be achieved by fighting in the streets this cannot be achieved by rioting this cannot being achieved by submitting to the known and used avenues of expressing discontent and exposing abuse. we need to create. we need to invent new avenues new venues new uses for old ideas new ideas new ways to subvert system we need to throw out the system and look at things in new lights red lights blue lights green lights black lights no light bright bright bright brihgt light every light.

we need to think
we need to fight
we need to exist in our own right

and if things are not right we need to fight.
we need to fight in ways they dont know we need to fight in ways they cant see we need to fight in ways they cant imagine in ways that move beyond ways into life we need to fight in life we need to fight with life, becuase we are life. and to all of us that is pretty clear, but to all of them, we are their worst fears.


you are crazy. but that is ok, cause you passed the good parts down to me, and kept the not so good parts for yourself, alex, and malcolm.

thanks for everything, all the help, all the teachings, all the lessons, all the special attention, all the gifts and special privileges, all the chances, and all the love. everything.

you have been annoyingly wonderful in every aspect of the word. and even though we disagree often about ideals and practices and reality and how to go about changing things. you are still my mother and i still love you no matter what happens.

ill take pictures, ill write sometimes, and maybe even call. and when i get home we can visit the farm and once the farm gets working ill be up there planting and growing anda playing. thanks again mum.

with love,

dad -

i ahve no idea what to say here. mom suggested i write letters to y'all before i leave, so to keep her happy i am doing so.

thanks for the help with everything. thanks for the patience. and for paying for everything so far. i appreciate it. and i know i dont show it all the time, but i try. so yeah, where to from here?

im not sure, im never sure, but i am sure that that is ok. i dont know need to know, not know, not ever. but i do have ideas and goals that i would like to see come to pass.

im excited about the farm. im excited that you and mom are excited about it and im happy as a pig in shit that you guys are begining to get out of the corporate cubicle commidified life style that y'all have been living. that makes me really happy, and the prospect of having a working farm is real exciting - cause now i never have to move out! hahahahaha. just kidding. or am i?

but yeah europe should be wild. i hope to come away from it with a fuller understanding of european history, eurocentricity, and international politics. also a greater understanding of myself and what i want to get out of life. and to learn, to make friends with european activists, to kick ass, take names, and see the beautiful and try not to let cities get the best of me.

i hope that you make that choice soon to head off to the farm, cause the sooner you get up there, the sooner we can start raising mushrooms and bees and all sorts of other yummy things.

i love you and i thank you again for everything. and ill see you in a few months.

with love demetrius

dear malcolm

there are many times in which i dont know what to say to you. i want to smile at you, wish you good luck with your endeavors, give you advice about anything and everything. but you seem distant. and i think i understand. remember when i wore nothing but black and talked about nothing but death murder dismemberment and rending people limb from limb? well, seem to be doing something similiar, but with that guido-jock thing instead of that gothic nightmare thing.

well, im out of here for a couple of months and alex is, probably, out of here as well, although much closer than me. its going to be just you, mom, and dad. and probaly pretty damn quiet. keep things lively, just try not to give dad a heart attack in the process or mom a nervous breakdown, although im sure one more wont kill her. although another heart attack will probably kill dad.

but listen, you are a good kid, but often swept up in the movement of the crowd. so not to be any longer with this letter, listen to yourself, listen to your ideas, your thoughts, your dreams, and your desires - there is no one more qualified to make decisions about your life than yourself.

keep the old folks under control. and ill see you in decemeber.

and keep your hands off the crack pipe!!

with love

dear alex:

you are an asshole whether you choose to admit it or not. you are aggravating as all hell. you lie, you steal, you abuse mom and dads trust, not to mention my trust and malcolm story's trust as well. you take everything that is placed in front of you for granted and we do not hear a word of gratitude, ever.

you are an amazing athlete and a gifted and dedicated learner. you can make almost anyone smile on the drop of a dime. you push the limits of humor to its outer most bounds and bring us back laughing the entire time. you hesitate not to stick up for malcolm and i. and i have no doubts you would put your life on the line for anyone close to you with out a second thought to it.

you are dedicated to defending your family from the inroads of the outside world even if you cannot defend us from yourself.

you grown quite a bit since the begining of high school, since i smashed you on the head with that monkey wrench and since you sliced open my head with a rock. you have begun to learn the meaning of self control when applied to certain aspects of your life but now you will need to apply self control to all aspects of your life. if you make it to rutgers next semester, and i hope you do, you will have to learn that in the "real world" people are not as nice as mom or dad, and people do not give a shit about your needs or your plans for the future. you will have to learn comprimise, control, and respect. not only for your family but for the whole world as well.

with love

Monday, August 11, 2003

more south africa for those interested.

July 2 2003
Apartheid Musuem.
Youth movement, labor uprising, alot of stuff.
the trip got better today, but well, not soooooo much...
let me rephrase that. the apartheid musuem was amazing, fantastic, inspiring, stunning - it brought me to tears at points and almost brought me to violence, crying while reading/watching about the soweto uprising - killing 13 year olds - the denial of education. just hearing Botha say "dont push us to far" made me want to smash the fucking television. the amount of laws passed to maintain apartheid was in the area of 50. the women's uprising 20,000 women marching on pretoria. fucking inspiring. made me smile watching the youth with petrol bombs made me want to make a petrol bomb. smiles. i really wanted more time there. there was so much information that i missed or simply glanced at cursorily. the pencil test? that is crazy. chameleons. making sure that no whites ever became blacks or no blacks became whites. whats the difference anyway? the build of the musuem was spectacular. magnificent, beautiful. shadows and contrast.. huge simplicity and overwhelmingness. foundations of democracy. the use of wide open spaces and the use of mirrors felt very pleasant and natural. i really enjoyed the musuem.
shall we move onto the day to day? lets.
group meeting. ha. fucking group meeting. i hate the group mind, the group mentality, group mindset. the journal. should it be hand written? you all get to help me decide. ok. this is a journal. an intimate accounting of our adventure and experiences, computers are not intimate, not personal creations, computers are dead machines. find me emotion or passion or warmth on a computer and ill cut off my left thumb. the rudeness of people while discussing this. tiara and toya particularly. tiara "why are even discussing this?" hell-the-fuck-lo! this is particpatory democracy, direct democracy, discussion of the issues is needed so that everyone has a full understanding of the implications of their decisions before they are made. it is just silly not to educate yourself about something before voting on it. i know we all do it but that dont make it ok. and for toya - showing respect? Respect?? its not disrespectful to ask questions and voice opinions and even to argue with the supposed authority. the authority can be wrong, could of not thought of something, and is thinking in their mindset, which like everyone else's is singular and limited to their knowledge and experience. it shows more respect to the teacher to ask questions and hope that they dont know the answers so that they can learn something along with us. showing respect is not immediately cowing to the authority at hand. that is not respect that is servitude and thats fucking rude. and abstaining? that is like not voting. its only useful in consensus decision making processes and this was not consensus. and 5 out of 10 aint a majority. which is why voting is a bullshit form of democracy. its not even democratic its absurd.
the group when they see mcdonalds: yay!!! kfc: yay!!! snapple: yay!!! beer: yay!!! me: i can get this fucking shit in america. why would i get it here? where is the south african food? their culture? where is the attraction in going to an american style club and fancy western restuarant or staying in the holiday inn? these are all part of the american hegemony. a hegemony that contributed to the apartheid government, and corporations of such a hegemony that financed and invested in it through the worst years of it. where is the SA food? the native tongues? the ways of life not driven by consumption? the tribes? the hunter gatherers? the pastoralists? while the musuem was spectacular and mind blowing. the rest of the trip was not - is not. everywhere i go, there is an american corporation on the corner, and american logo on the face of things. the next person to tell me that we arent living in an empire - militarily, culturaly, economically - are getting a big mac to face followed by a daisy cutter. this shit is fucking absurd.
and ive got to be the only one who sees it. dr.davis - the woman - she maybe sees it. dropped a comment about consumerism, but followed it up by buying up most of south africa.
that evening while wating for the shuttle back to the hotel, i was chit chatting with some doormen. they think that things have gotten better slowly after apartheid. they admit that the economic barrier is there and that unemployment is a huge issue. i spoke to a woman on the shuttle about it as well - she thinks things have changed - but could not elaborate due to my limited knowledge of northern sotho or sutu. a gentleman in the van with us heard me say that america does very little for its own citizens but does way too much for the rest of the world. he took offense to this, to my ingratefulness and said that america was great because of it's generosity and it's willingness to help others. i laughed in my head. he used the recent invasion and conquering of iraq as an example. i explained that it was economic and geo-political positioning behind the war, not humanitarian issues. i cited sanctions, indiscriminate bombings, trigger happy soldiers(the kind that shoot anti-american protesters) and the staged rescue of pvt. lnych as examples of this. he was not phased. another gentleman sitting in the front of the van backed me up with more reasons, facts, figures and logistics. we smiled at each other. our debate opponent was a bit taken aback. i finished up our discussion with a brilliant statement about america's military control of the second largest known oil reserves in the world, thus giving them economic control over such potential future threats as china, japan, EU, and russia. my debate partner explained how a war is good for the economy thus adding another aspect to the situation. i smiled again. i talked with my debate partner, a durbanite, and he informed me that Soweto(south western township) had been designed by the apartheid govervnment in such a manner that it could be bombed out in two minutes flat. pretty interesting, huh?
i should of chit chatted with him more, but i did not, and allowed missed oppurtunity to bite me in the ass, again. lovely, no?
for the first time in all my travels, i really miss my friends.
the masses of people outside the club, monsoon, were writhing packs of hormones - each looking the same, differing only in the accepted confines fucking stinking perfume and cologne. i mentally looked over myself and looked at them and was like shit. look at me. stiched up hoodie, sandals, one foot with nail polish, havent shaved or showered in weeks and my hair is sticking out at odd angles. i dont care what the lot of them thought - it was hopefully a mixed reaction. but i realized then as i realize now. i love me. i love who i am. what i do. why i do it. and i love knowing what i want and what i like. its funny to think that i have already written 24 pages and its only the start of the third day
here. but i like it. this is good writing and i am smiling.

July 4 2003
yeah no entry yesterday i was tired and lazy but today was huge and out of control. i knew SA was going to blow my mind, but this? this was out of C-O-N-T-R-O-L. but i loved it and the past two days have really brought our part of the group together even if capetown sucks we will have fun because of the group.
yesterday morning we had an intimate forum with two officials from the SA gov. it was excellent for me. exciting too, because i got to ask questions and such about things like free trade, wto, and so on. made me smile. SA particpates in a slew of regional, continental, and world organizations to further certain causes. also works closely with the non-aligned countries. i dont know why this stuff is interesting to me. but it is. why? maybe it is the grasping at a global community based on monetary exchange which has the potential for love and true community to be built. maybe because these multi-lateral trade agreements bring together people from many walks of life to fight them. maybe it is that community which attracts me, maybe it is the fight that attracts me. maybe its the beautiful activists who attract me. maybe its the whole shee-bang. but i like it.
monty asked some amazing questions today while in soweto. do the kids have school? if they can afford it. is there a community? yes. do the people help each other out? if they can. they might - i would hope they do. the kids today were fighting over the little bits of food we were giving out like ducks at the duck pond. is it desparation? animal instincts taking over? each kid, if allowed, would without a doubt, fight kick scream claw bite and beat their way to the front of the food line, top of the food chain. we are animals and it is survival of the fittest which dictates which genes are passed on. if you cant hack it tough. ouch that hurts. but its true. is it? isnt it? when we saw these kids, we gave all the food we had. i gave all i had. monty gave a kid his hat. without thinking, mind you, the mad rush to give these kids food was just as animalistic as their scrapping for the food. our natural desire to help took over our actions, while the kids desire to survive guided theirs. we were all animals for those few minutes. but on different farms in different cages with different owners and rules. but we were all animals regardless of the rules. it was as intense as it gets. i wish i had brought more to give. i wish i had been told that we were going to be here. if i had known, i would of cleaned out the whole fucking 4 star buffet. i was honestly unaware of how deep the poverty ran. you always see the kids on the tv. but you dont think you will actually see the kids on tv. and then? what do you do? you give all you have and feel empty and then cry and empty out even more.
for me, a white kid from the suburbs. the privilege i have known and grown accustomed to. upper middle. i felt like shit. this was nuts. i knew poverty existed. i knew it was here. but i have never known it. i will probably never know it. unless i choose to. ha. i get conflict over even asking that question to myself.
when you grow up sheltered you just dont know. you know it exists but you dont know it. you just dont know it. and when you see it. its such a shock you dont know what to do or how to act. you freeze. you cry and you pity yourself and them. and then what? i dont know. ill never know.
so many kids so many mouths to feed.
now we are in capetown and i thought jo-burg was a pinnacle of consumer culture. not even close. capetown reminds me more of jersey than jersey.
to top the whole enchilada off: racism in its most innocent and ignorant form has been bestowed upon me now. and i, in a sense, now know racism. there is an event that occurs later in which i experience racism in its most outright and purposeful form. this current event was much more innocent, and thus much more amazing.
Monty, Chris, Nate, and i were exploring our lodgings in capetown, looking for computers to check our email. they knew of a small library in part of the building with computers, we headed off to it. upon arrival there, the three of them went in and i lingered outside looking at something and being silly. i walked in after them, maybe 2 minutes after they walked in, i stood behind them, quietly listening to what they were discussing with the librarian, he was telling them that the library was for the business students only. after that sentence, he addressed me directly and asked if i needed to get through. i said no and he went back to talking with nate. and then it hit us. chris first, then me, then monty, and nate. we left. laughed about it and moved on.
what happened? chris monty and nate are black. me white. the librarian could not understand that i was with them, couldnt grasp it. had no concept of it. and based on that he discriminated against monty, nate, and chris. when i realized what happened i was in shock. mouth wide open like a whale. no clue, totally perplexed by what just transpired. could not get over the fact that it just happened. we had a good laugh about it. when the group of us went out to eat later, i asked chris if that really happened. then i asked him if that type of thing happens to him often. he laughed. yes they do, my whole life, and they will probably happen to my kids and hopefully it wont happen to their kids. its silly that people are judged just by how they look without knowing who they are. i smiled. chris, sga president sellout politician chris, was amazing. the way he said it and his tone was just flat out straight up neat and honest. it was great for me to hear and see. another shock to my already vibrating cranium. im not sure if i can take all this. another two weeks? i might just die. and so now, i know racism. this was the first time i felt white. not just feeling white, but feeling ashamed to be in my skin. feeling judged because of how i look.
silly fucking group dynamics rotting my brian. i am a loner - a drifter - the lone ranger the lone writer the solo strider - people just make me feel - at times - uncomfortable real uncomfortable afraid nervous scared embarressed useless stupid unconfident ignorant emotionally inept mad hateful confused sad bored over worked not who i want to be.
but - at times - people make me smile happy energetic sexy cool confident amazed inspired spurred driven empowerd ignited lighted curious brave joyous safe wild exploratory deep unique manly attractive kick ass - perfect.

July 6 2003 - my 20th birthday - what a day.
this entry contains thoughts occuring on july 7th and 8th as well.
church. there are alot of church things i hate dont like fucking despise. the subjagation of culture and the changing of names
the language which places others above you, more important, than you, enforces your sin, THE CONCEPT OF SIN, the smell, how the mass is in english sans singing, the god god god jesus jesus jesus talk. jesus is dead - the belief that one died and rose again the propaganda one can do good with out wasting your time with this god crap. why do people continue to have faith in something that is so untangible why do people continually place control of their lives in a fucking fairy tale this is no different than a glorified hans christian anderson. enforcing the different levels of importance. slamming all the fault on eve. women - that is fucking absurd. look at our world now. who is causing and has been most responsible for the horror seen in the past two thousand years - MEN. the worst of which by white men. this is so disgusting enforcing an absurd set of rules based on a fairy tale. the saying that with higher levels of dignification you need to do more and more to appease that person if you err. that is absurd as well. why believe that anyone is more important than yourself or yourself more important than anyone else. why feel the need to bestow importance on another simple human being. we are all silly fucking humans. the church does nothing for us humans but brain wash - maybe i cant phrase this in an eloquonet manner but i feel it. i feel that it is wrong and that no one but no one should have control over others lives except themselves.
organized religion enforces hierarchy. fuck hierarchy. who else besides yourself knows what is better for your life?
after the 3 hour fucking shit session in a goddamn noisy cage we went off to a sheebeen or some spelling like that. think speakeasy circa 1920's but in a township. it was swank. good beer, nice bartender nice atmosphere. drank half a bottle of something it was good. got a pleasant buzz going on. i am officially a lightwieght. smile. i left the beer and went to talk to the community members. i watched monty adopt a kid. mont was in tears. i rather quickly followed suit. caroline and i talked to a few men about how things are. and what is going on. they talked and talked and talked and it was excellent and the whole time they managed to slip in the request for money and food. and i understood. and i felt ashamed and bad, i was saving the money i had for my food. need to feed the extra fat i gotta maintain the poundage. right? right. i listened to him talk, quietly interjecting thoughts here and there. caroline kept hammering home the importance of sticking together with fellow nieghbors, the community to increase their own power. that that power can nto be stopped by the largest gov, the worst military, the fattest wallet or the meanest dictator. there aint no power like the power of the people and the power of the people wont stop. hell yeah.
i bought a box of food for the man we were talking to and never felt so empty afterwards.
after the visit to the shebeen and the township, we trekked off to table mountain. magnificent. gorgeous. spectacular beautiful stunning. the view was all of the above and the wind was refreshing-invigorating-slightly terrifying-but altogether wonderful. i was smiling the entire time.
before the riding in a rotating cable car to the promontory we had a meeting to address how the group was feeling emotions were running high high high high high. the meeting was about our reactions to what we have seen so far on this trip and the point we were at. there was a deluge of emotions a tirade of expression and concern and calls for action. sentiments that i echo because we have wasted such a large amount of time doing nothing good or useful and it is our way of life that maintains this horrible status quoe. judging by the scheduling of the trips to townships, the sights we saw, the order we saw them in, the reading, and the goading of dr davis - there was an emotional climax today. one he was agitating and angling for. i felt physcologically played. i hate that feeling. he wanted and he knew a reaction similar to this was going to happen - for his playing of games i say fuck him - that was not cool - i understand the desire of his to encourage us to take both an intrest and an active role in the future of SA. but manipulating us into reacting a certain way was not cool. not at all. it is the same thing politicians do to elicit a desire response from their constiuency. while davis's intentions were good, that does not make up for that fact that he did manipulate us. not cool in the least.
the meeting began on an emotional and spiritual high note. but ended with the old people slowly trying to and succeedding in quelling our desire to accomplish while hereby making empty promises about potential manifestations back home. the group bought it, hook line and sinker. we all went quietly into the night.
I knew i that i wont be here in the fall so i cannot contribute but with excess time the time we waste each day these thoughts i share with caroline and toya at least. there is a skeletal operating structure on this trip but no tangibility or accountability for the students. Davis knows what we are doing ahead time. but he does not tell us until we are already there or a small amount of time prior. i fell that that does not allow us to prepare mentally and physically for where we are going. but it, like everything else on this trip, is a two sided coin. and where are the lectures? and the talks? i was expecting lectures, im a nerd, i enjoy lectures and talks, and there has been one so far and im fucking starved for knowledge. rar. aggravation.
after table mountain we returned to the hotel, and then waited for a bit until we headed off to dinner at an indian restaurant, one i had discovered while walking the other day. it was banging, i mean banging, large portions of food, roti which is amazing tortilla like bread, and birthday music. i enjoyed it immensely, felt special. we lef the restaurant hootin and hollerin making a ruckus to scare off any crazy muggers, if it wasnt successful it was fun we laughed really loud - when we got back - we had a meeting with dean davis which turned out to be a surprise biirthday party for me! i was shocked amazed touched awed - i got fruit and cake - caroline picked em out special for me. this has never happened to me before. when they brought in the cake i actually though that the cake was for someone else, caroline or toya, and when i realized it was for me - it was just such a shock. it ruled really did. we then watched kings of comedy which had some funny bits. then i felt sick. all in all best bday in a while.
the 7th was more real - we started late - 1pm visited mandela park - a township with some entrupenurship. they also had an amazing community center, sewing classes, kitchen for the community, computer classes, volunteer staffed with 6 week rotations, excellent all around. inspiring. walking around - horrible. just horrible, the amount of poverty present was uncontrollable. the poverty got worse as we walked more. drank a bit of shitty home brewed beer. home brewed and a killer. we then had the oppurtunity to see an informal choir sing some amazing songs - the power of this tiny group was stellar. i kept thinking if these kids had the same oppurtunity i had - mrs.morneweck - the ugly yellow room - the early morning - the late nites - the care. if they had that - all state, all county, all eastern seaboard, all country - limitless possibility and my ass sleeping through choir - being late - being an ass - not appreciating what i had. by the time they were on the second song i was in tears. i dont even care that they were all bible beating songs. the force of the music was uncontrollable and as davis said human spirit and my two cents - not the holy spirit.
i wrote a letter to van. we will see how that goes.
yesterday was a game drive- good times - ignoring the exploitation of animals was not easy, especially watching the lions - such magnificence in a cage - that upset me - made me think.
its nice today - warm air.
about freedom why we put ourselves in cages freely - watching birds fly over fields you dont notice how much distance they cover, but in cities, watching them fly from windows, it seems as if they cover more ground because the ground is covered with human denominations of space. buildings, stores, cars, tightness, efficent use of space. made me realize how much space humans and animals need - animals - also that we are not designed to be sequestered in these cramped spaces - we desire open land freedom - the space to do as we please. the way we live now is not smart, it is not wise, is not healthy, and is not evolutionarly stable.
i almost cried when i saw the lions - i was overwhelmed with a sense of emotion - to free those lions to open the cage and let do as they will. i understand the ALF and why they feel that way and how they arrive to those places.
then the truck got stuck in the mud. i was happy as shit. finally something unplanned on this goddamn trip. we got to get out and help. play in the mud. vanessa. i loved it. the guide was cute.

good monring.

gosh its early and the appearance of the text here is too big for my personal taste, but i guess that is trivial really.

is veganism direct action? i think so. it is an action that achieves a goal immediately. Is burning down a slaughterhouse direct action? yes. direct action is beautiful because it achieves so many goals and can manifest in so many ways. I like looking at the burning down of a slaughterhouse in comparison with veganism as direct action cause i think it is interesting. veganism is about building a movement from yourself outwards, because you are directly responsible for you actions and you choose to not consume animal products, thus lessening the demand for them, educating others through your actions, and instead of just going to a protest, you are engaging in an activity that actually has decreases the demand for animal products, thus effectively attacking the system at its roots.

i think when i try to type and sound intelligent i fail, miserably.

veganism is direct action. burning down slaughterhouses is direct action. veganism is more sustainble and reduces the demand for the product by sending economic signals to someone, somewhere that less people are consuming meat. burning down a slaughterhouse destroys the tools that are used to produce the product. the demand for the product is still there, so while a company suffers a loss by having to build a new factory, pay higher insurance premiums, pay workers for lost wages, purchase more pigs, and all sorts of other things that will be affected by the destruction of a slaughterhouse they know that once they get up and running again the demand for the product is still there, so that money will come back.

the problem is that veganism is a slow form of direct action. very slow. burning a slaughterhouse is fast. very fast. almost instaneous unlike veganism which takes a whole lifetime of educating those you interact with. with all that time the corporations that profit off of the slaughterhouse can indentify emerging market trends and adjust accordingly, business school teaches people how to do that. you cant expect people to just be vegan. it doesnt happen like that, well, it does but when it does it is not all that sustainable. you can however get people, or go yourself and go burn down a slaughterhouse.

i guess it is pretty obvious that i am advocating for a mix of tactics to acheive a goal. veganism/vegetarianism is a must, if you want to build a solid foundation for a new better world. but the occasional destruction of slaughterhouses to accelarate the process of reaching that world is acceptable. i guess i caution against it. because there is so much good work that can be done with out putting yourself at risk like that. or others. but then is that submitting to the system by working from within it? and can that work? can that actually work and achieve real change? i dont know. im not sure. and i dont believe so.

but at least now i know that it is not me. im not the wierd one. im not at fault when customers at work are mean or randoms at lewers house are randoms, and when i dont enjoy the television or movies, its not fault, im not fucked up. i dont feel that movies/tv are real. and i know that i am doing what i can. and that while i cant stop there, it is ok to compliment and enjoy myself, the process goes on and the journey continues. but i think of certain memories of marching in the street and being surrounded by love and knowing that that love is my home and these people are my family.


Friday, August 08, 2003

tonight was great. i dont even know what to say. its been a good solid year in the making, and this building crescendo is getting more itense with every step. more secrets open themselves up to us, and i smile at every turn. im just happy it is what it is, ya know? to summarize : i hung out with my friend katharine, baked cookies, watched part of kids, made out, laughed about it, made plans for the future, caught up with each other, its been a while since we saw each other. so nothing amazing, well it was amazing. infact probably just what i needed.

im happy.

how is life? life like. i leave for europe on the 19th, scratch hawaii - it went sour - why? dont know yet, ill tell you soon though. south africa was amazing, ive now seen things that were molllifying horrifying mesmerizing eye widening and mind blowing. montreal was home my family was all there my brothers sisters mothers fathers lovers friends companions everyone was their i knew each person and each person knew me. it was solidarity. live and in person. no prerecorded shit here. just amazing. check out for pictures, accounts, and details. kentucky sucked, crashed my da's car twice - 3k in damage im 1500 in the hole. whooptee shit. ill deal.

i leave for europe in a few days. community service sucks. the guy is crazy and his place is in fucking shambles. ive got to get up at 7am to flyer sbucks. sigh. the life of an activist. s'fucked up. i like wearing skirts, making out, and baking. and punk rock, tofu, soy milk, masturbating, writing, love, questions, talking, protesting, fighting for things, yelling at cops, chanting, reading, life, swimming, yoga, running, painting, and myself, and probably you as well. good night, im 20 and i still dont know who i am. but hey, it could be worse, right? right. with love - d

Thursday, August 07, 2003

holy shit

it has been awhile. but this is fun. so i've returned.

i went to south africa, montreal, kentucky, and the fartherst recesses of my mind. i've returned from 3 of the 4.

ill be posting my south africa journal bit by bit and adding daily updates. i doubt anyone reads this, but im doing mostly for me. with love - d

first journal update:

Warning to reader:

This is a journal, a collection of thoughts, ideas, and whispers of passion. There are no rules covering the pages below - punctuation has been abandoned, capitalization has been misused, used, abused and ignored, grammar has been kidnapped and left by the side of road, bound, gagged, and bleeding. The words below are honest, pure, and untainted by the controls of our language, the words below simply are.

This is an attempt to capture the myriad of emotions, experiences, and adventures which encapsulate one person's journey to and from the new South Africa.
One person journeying to the birthplace of all persons - experiencing the rapid globalization of South Africa - the depth and breadth of poverty and the vast range of personal experiences.
This attempt at documenting my journey, starting the end of June and finishing in late July, will undoubtedly fail to accurately represent all of South Africa but what is captured between these pages will give one insight into my South Africa.

June 28 2003
The infamous day before - gah.
finalizing pack.
anticipating nervous angry disappointed but hopeful and resilient.

June 29 20003
survived the mass trans adventure to the airport
The Gay Pride march was today and I watched so many beautiful people on trains, in buses, and on the street. My jealousy almost got the best of me. It would of been a challenge to drag myself away from that party. But I am smiling for them with them, happy with the recent supreme court ruling and just smiling in general. I've got an amazing month ahead of me. South Africa! Who would of thought that I would ever make it to Africa - never in my wildest dreams and now that I have been reading more and more primitivist literature I'm even more excited. Fuck the malaria pills though - those are some unpleasant, unhealthy, useless, and just disgusting creations. Fuck all those shots too and fuck the absurd amount of money that was paid to get those shots. 24% of the cost of a medicine goes into development, research, and production. the other 76% is fucking marketing and profit. It's vomit inducing that people make money off others because they are sick and now the idea has been taken so far as refusing care to those who cannot afford it. So the rich stay rich and healthy and poor stay poor and sick and the middle class busts their asses to keep the system moving. and where do i fit into this? upper middle - trying to figure out and overcome my fear. trying to realize how insignificant I am. Its 4pm. one more hour and twenty minutes I can check in and head to the gate - eagerly awaiting the roar of twin turbo jet engines taking me away.

July 1 2003
the immense waste of food on the plane - the immense waste of materials, time, effort on this building - the waste of resources to get us here - the american imperial culture language hegemony - i'm in an airport in france and every sign is in french then english, in china it was chinese then english, in japan it was japanese and then english - not only is america a military superpower - the military superpower - we are also the cultural superpower and by culture, i mean out language is universal - we are destroying native tongues post haste and it, our language/culture, was spread by the rise of global capitalism (colonialism) and in colonialism's wake we have neo-colonialism. maybe i should address why this is bad. why is a language specific to one people/area needed or necessary.
language and culture hegemony - a biggie eh? why do i even see this? notice this? or care? because i do not desire everyone to be part of the same culture. especially not a culture that is shallow greedy materialistic emotionally deceitful deadly to our planet and obviously a failure.
Watching the cities at night as we fly over France is beautiful - not just beautiful but a perfect display of evolutionary conflict/competition. the cities - our culture - our system - our way of life - us - the planet.
I see the beautiful cities spread across the landscape like pimples. they are magnificent to watch - manifestations of the system - they truly are a new organism - growing beautifully and swiftly across the planet they disgust me. i long for endless acreage of pristine woods for limitless freedom - to be naked without shame - to be proud to be an animal - to be the animal we all are - to accept that animal within me.
while waiting outside the mcdonalds in paris today i could not help but people watch . it helped me to reach my decision about the fall. paris is the same as NYC as london as barcelona - while i'm sure there are wonderful bastions of resistance in each, i dont want to immerse myself in a 4 month tour of a culture i hate. i despise the individualism - the total lack of community the totally disgusting sharing of idiotic trends - while it manifests differently in each country i.e. paris: less skin, more color variation, more experimentation but the same pathetic shit i see in ridgewood i see here on a grander scale.
this is a culture i have grown up in, grown with, it has educated me, taught me who i was, what i knew, what i was to do. to grow up in this bastion of individualism and now, i am - how to put this gently - ready to fucking rend it limb from limb the next time i see a tiffany's bracelet.
I want to live in something new, i want to explore the country side, the mountains, the woods, i want to be immersed in a culture based on communal values and ideas, i want to live amongst people who arent wholly consumed by capitalism and individuality - yeah i love freedom and i exercise it, but i am aware that sacrifices must be made, if humanity is going to survive.
List of things to do:
Ø ride bike across/around country, this country, any country.
Ø Teach english in china
Ø explore south america - this would encourage and facilitate acquiring a working knowledge of spanish.
Ø try to establish a series of community houses activist centers - places that would offer housing to those in need of, free classes to the community, bike repair, food not bombs centers, community kitchens, libraries, skill shares. people could lodge here for work exchange, gardening, cooking, cleaning, painting, repair, errand running, community work and so on. a series of these would be excellent and amazing.

Humantiy needs not to just to survive but to coexist harmoniously with the environment, the planet, ourselves - right now. we aint doing that.
that was an enormous waste of time. if i wanted to see a mall and eat shitty italian food i would of stayed in jersey. if i wanted to be treated as if i was an incompetent child i would of gone to jail, people who cant control themselves are no one's problem but their own. no one on this trip is a child. no one here is a concern to the older people on this trip. this bullshit about not being let out at night is crap, you want to experience the "new south africa, henry?" then let us out, let us get fucking mugged and roughed up. that is south africa isn't it? well? and rappaport was blessed with no special authority by the office of study abroad, she should have no say in dictating policy while on this trip.
yeah and already two mcdonalds and countless other recognizable brands. coupled with language hegemony america has a cultural hegemony. it manifests more interestingly, more subtley, more subversively. i'd like to think that the ceos of mcdonalds and other multinational corporations are only acting in the intrests of themselves, albeit ignorantly. i fervently hope that they are not acting with malice, i hope that they are acting with out the knowledge of the horrors they have caused so far. i believe that my hopes may be in vain. I know that people are good and happy, happy and sociable, it is the system that makes us angry, greedy, sad, selfish, destructive, violent.
this evening was a waste - franz snores and monty is wierd and unsettling.
again, i have hope - we are all social and happy.
every day i question this.
is it untrue or is it systematic ignorance?
I am looking forward to actually learning something about SA.