good monring.
gosh its early and the appearance of the text here is too big for my personal taste, but i guess that is trivial really.
is veganism direct action? i think so. it is an action that achieves a goal immediately. Is burning down a slaughterhouse direct action? yes. direct action is beautiful because it achieves so many goals and can manifest in so many ways. I like looking at the burning down of a slaughterhouse in comparison with veganism as direct action cause i think it is interesting. veganism is about building a movement from yourself outwards, because you are directly responsible for you actions and you choose to not consume animal products, thus lessening the demand for them, educating others through your actions, and instead of just going to a protest, you are engaging in an activity that actually has decreases the demand for animal products, thus effectively attacking the system at its roots.
i think when i try to type and sound intelligent i fail, miserably.
veganism is direct action. burning down slaughterhouses is direct action. veganism is more sustainble and reduces the demand for the product by sending economic signals to someone, somewhere that less people are consuming meat. burning down a slaughterhouse destroys the tools that are used to produce the product. the demand for the product is still there, so while a company suffers a loss by having to build a new factory, pay higher insurance premiums, pay workers for lost wages, purchase more pigs, and all sorts of other things that will be affected by the destruction of a slaughterhouse they know that once they get up and running again the demand for the product is still there, so that money will come back.
the problem is that veganism is a slow form of direct action. very slow. burning a slaughterhouse is fast. very fast. almost instaneous unlike veganism which takes a whole lifetime of educating those you interact with. with all that time the corporations that profit off of the slaughterhouse can indentify emerging market trends and adjust accordingly, business school teaches people how to do that. you cant expect people to just be vegan. it doesnt happen like that, well, it does but when it does it is not all that sustainable. you can however get people, or go yourself and go burn down a slaughterhouse.
i guess it is pretty obvious that i am advocating for a mix of tactics to acheive a goal. veganism/vegetarianism is a must, if you want to build a solid foundation for a new better world. but the occasional destruction of slaughterhouses to accelarate the process of reaching that world is acceptable. i guess i caution against it. because there is so much good work that can be done with out putting yourself at risk like that. or others. but then is that submitting to the system by working from within it? and can that work? can that actually work and achieve real change? i dont know. im not sure. and i dont believe so.
but at least now i know that it is not me. im not the wierd one. im not at fault when customers at work are mean or randoms at lewers house are randoms, and when i dont enjoy the television or movies, its not fault, im not fucked up. i dont feel that movies/tv are real. and i know that i am doing what i can. and that while i cant stop there, it is ok to compliment and enjoy myself, the process goes on and the journey continues. but i think of certain memories of marching in the street and being surrounded by love and knowing that that love is my home and these people are my family.
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