Sunday, February 26, 2006

ok. so im in nicaragua and my host family definately tried to feed me chicken intestines. telling me it was rich and good for you. i didnt buy it all. ive been a good sport, eating chicken and hotdogs, but chicken intestines is a different fucking story. i had a taste and had to hold the wretching, im still holding the wretching, its going to be a rough afternoon, maybe the sun or the breeze will help.

ah, nica, its day 5 now and the adjusting is still going on, i guess im happy so far, but still challenged constantly by many many things particularly the language. ive got a bit under my belt now, but i need more help. with the language sure, but with the rabid emotions im grappling with right now. sometimes i think it might just be easier to kill them, be angry all the time, or ignore everything, but alas i cannot and for some reason today(sunday) struck me forcefully. it might be a carry over of the misanthropy that mary lent me, maybe the overwhelming feeling of being in one place with many limited options or maybe it is the chicken intestines. ive yet to decide. today is going to be tricky.

it might be the lack of structure for the day. its only saturday and sunday that really dont move the rest of them. and i really need a spanish english dictionary. alissa wont give one of her´s up(rude, greedy) and there is another one that is kicking around which i think latoya has. shit, ive got to pee and the cyber has no baño. no bueno. wow the pee hit bad. im out i think.


Monday, February 13, 2006

it is not supposed to be 60 degrees and warm one week and then dump two feet of snow another week.


global warming anybody?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

definately, just became overwhelmed. over whelmed. over whelmed by all the things that i must accomplish beforfe i leave. im not even going to list them because there are too many.


ok a little bit of that out of my system 4 shots in my system, 40 minutes until i become a cog in a machine in a system of food preparation i really dont want to play this game today but some green makes the world go round and round and round. and i dont complain.

there is so much and so little of stuff. there other day i stayed at work late and counted all the food and booze. inventory they called it, we drank a bottle of quintessa 2000, fucking gorgeous wine. blew my mind. but its different in an irritating way without miss brown demanding with drink riesling tonight.

ive been remembering alot of things my father has done for me over the years, alot of moments that we shared together and alot of wierd feelings that i hold for him now. alot of love alot of fear about what could happen, alot of wishing he wasnt getting older. alot of wishing we were closer and alot of pained attempts at communication.

there have been alot of awesome moments recently, like getting to go inside a movie projector booth! that was so awesome. i got to see how the whole mechanism works and it was super cool. what a nifty thing! thanks lindsay! it was a random day, walking down ramsey main and a high school friend said hey from her job at the theatre and we shot the shit and then she had to start the film and offered me the chance to see it action. so fucking cool. what an awesome day.

its been really hard not having kate around, and i feel bad not being as attentive as she has been to me. for all the jokes made about letters and such, i know ive been slacking, but ive been busy. AND THEN SHE SENDS ME A PACKAGE! MISS. I KNOW YOU ARE READING THI. I LOVE YOU DEARLY.

you know, i was almost mad for a second and then i realized that this was such a sharing of love and an expression of affection that becoming angry wouldnt do anything for me at all. and really now. its not like it was just stuff, but it is useful things for me to have travel snacks, and food i like, so when i think about how much i like this food i think about how much i like her. smart girl she is, real smart girl.

looking at different aspects of my life gives me wierd pleasure wierd pain. or something like that. starting to write actively again is like starting to ride a bike again, the muscles are fucked, the vocab is week and you want to give up on the first hill.

they want me to facilitate a workshop on direct action at the USFT conference. im about it. but scared. ill be fine with a co-facilitator. and its practice at teaching, presenting and speaking. its a good learning opportunity.

my manager at the melting pot wanted me to become an assistant manager, not tomorrow, but down the road. he was really upset about the fact that im moving on. its kind of touching actually. i mean, flattering too, ive never been offered anything like that before, and he really likes me aside from all the jokes, and i really like him. but man. looking a the possible paths that life could take is always kind of freaky.

i could stay around here and become a restuarant manager. think about that. i have. but, there are things out there which i will find so much more satisfying, challenging and enriching.

i might find religion at some point in my life. i might renounce anarchism. i migh accept things i once hated. i might not. i might create new paths to walk down, i might just follow in my fathers footsteps, both options are scary. but id rather make my own path.
