ok. so im in nicaragua and my host family definately tried to feed me chicken intestines. telling me it was rich and good for you. i didnt buy it all. ive been a good sport, eating chicken and hotdogs, but chicken intestines is a different fucking story. i had a taste and had to hold the wretching, im still holding the wretching, its going to be a rough afternoon, maybe the sun or the breeze will help.
ah, nica, its day 5 now and the adjusting is still going on, i guess im happy so far, but still challenged constantly by many many things particularly the language. ive got a bit under my belt now, but i need more help. with the language sure, but with the rabid emotions im grappling with right now. sometimes i think it might just be easier to kill them, be angry all the time, or ignore everything, but alas i cannot and for some reason today(sunday) struck me forcefully. it might be a carry over of the misanthropy that mary lent me, maybe the overwhelming feeling of being in one place with many limited options or maybe it is the chicken intestines. ive yet to decide. today is going to be tricky.
it might be the lack of structure for the day. its only saturday and sunday that really dont move the rest of them. and i really need a spanish english dictionary. alissa wont give one of her´s up(rude, greedy) and there is another one that is kicking around which i think latoya has. shit, ive got to pee and the cyber has no baño. no bueno. wow the pee hit bad. im out i think.
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