Wow, what a week! Que dura fue esa semana pasada. Im a bit fucking pissed about somethings. The US attorney general firings are one thing. The continued war in Iraq is another and how my relationship with Kate is sitting like this big ugly zit on the face of my life in New Jersey is the ultimate and I can't figure how to pop it.
I saw her getting on a train in Allendale the other day, getting on the same train I was, as I headed to Philly to see some friends. I pulled my hoodie high up over my head and sunk down into my chair, shaking, cause I didn't want to see her and because she has made it clear that doesn't want to see me and made it clear that seeing me disrupts her days. Fine, understandable. So, I tried not to disrupt her day as she went merrily about destroying mine. Whatever, Philly was great and I had an awesome time with my friends.
Then, I read her blog and I see these veiled comments against my lifestyle, which Im sure I am creating or reading into more than anything else. I saw her the other day at Ramapo as well, walking with Will and a prof I think. I just put that out of my mind. I don't know what to do about it because now I want some type of resolution and discussion and I don't if reaching out to her would be good. But Im going to do it right now cause I don't like letting pimples lie untouched.
Ok, so some folk are on their way over to have a few drinks and relax: Mike, Zoe, and Emily. Should be good times. I need to drink and let it all hang out a little bit.
Tomorrow is a bike day!