Tuesday, April 22, 2003

tonight was lovely - some people, some times can be most excellent -

we watched After Stonewall, and excellent documentary about the Gay Rights movement after the Stonewall riots. It was excellent and blindingly informative.

Then we played some excellent games, ice breakers, questions, after a while the questions - starting out on the innocent side soon enough turned to sex, sex, sex...

not that i mind - it was actually more fun than i thought it would be, although a few people were too afraid to answer some of the sexual questions but james layed it out perfectly and amanda went all red in the face. good stuff.


i just went and layed in the grass for a bit - looked at the stars - noticed that New York City is little more than a glowing festering polluting pimple on the face of this planet. thought about some stuff - anarchist theory matters not when the planet is dead and dying - what does kaori thinks when she looks at stars? does she think about chris, as i think about vanessa? do all lovers tend to think about thier companions when in naturally spectacular enviroments? the cold wind was like a battlion of sleek soft fingers attacking my legs - the air did for me what defribillators do for flatliners - filled my lungs with life giving electricity and helped to settle the components of my ever sifting brain - the repeated deep breaths - the feeling that i was not alone out there - whether it is on the lawn i was using or alone in the sense that i am not alone - that someone, or many someones feel the same as i feel, think similar to how i think, carry on similar to how i carry on, and would glady join me on the grass this morning, even though it was cold and wet - but then again is perfection ever what it seems to be?


lucy - crazy and amusing; rides horses - ha. i am going to leave that one alone. no, im not. she is cool - is able to identify problems she has yet is unable to break negative patterns she follows - why? she doesnt seem to know. that makes me sad - she has potential to really kick some solid ass in this world of translucence - but then again we all have potential but not all of us realize it, fewer of us make attempts to use it, and fewer still succeed while levels of success vary wildly.

i am thinkin again - lets try not to let this get out of hand - but no promises.

love to you


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