Monday, April 21, 2003

make ten copies of your supreme court brief

go to the dmv - worship the man - give him your money

go to class - go to work - do this paper - do that paper

ignore your feelings - your desires - your needs and your dreams

ruin a perfectly good morning with van for what? school? the dmv? this place? anger

it does me no good and i grow not when i do the things i know to be wrong

but living here, it is pushing impossible to live without responsibilities and not even w/o responsibilities but with out or better yet, living in happy concert with the environment and with myself - if i could live here and do that - then it would not be as bad - but it is hard to do that round these parts - i hope hawaii is more conducive to life, growth, and challenges of the spiritual, mental, and physical than here, than now, than this.



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