Saturday, August 05, 2006

Fair trade coffee cooperatives, walking in steps I walked in 2 years ago, speaking Spanish, translating, feeling both mixed up and out of place.

Popping, I popped today.

Just a little and it was directed at a few people. Theoretical and tangible. Goal driven and somewhat cynical. I am the last person in the netcafe.

Dinner is soon and this is a hodge podge, but last night was fantastic and I dont know why today I burst. No, I lie. I know.

One comment, small and rather silly unimformed and selfish got to me. That comment opened up the floodgates to some anger and disgust along with criticisms of that person that I had been holding for a while. Now, happily, she is not here and I am with the rest of the United Students for Fair Trade group. And we are about to dine on amazing Italian food in one of the warmest and most amazing cities in Nicaragua.

Plus, I danced my ass off last night. So good.


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