Saturday, April 02, 2005


the amount of time on the box is a strong indicator of how much i really fucking have issues with this place. i mean my final paper project shit storm is fancy fine - placing sex workers with a focus on autonomous self organized sex workers in the landscape of indian sexuality, or at least trying to figure out what drves the mojo of these people - i mean its more about space and how we use our bodies to communicate more accurately and intimately than words - and what the ways a person or a group uses thier bodies to communicate says about them - what does the fact that indian men are so much more touchy feely than american men mean? what does it mean about the culture not taken in comparison? The same holds for indian women too. and what about the incredibly high level of domestic violence here - like 75% (see footnote) - what does that say about a people? that they use thier bodies in such acts of intimate violence?

do all people have these thoughts or ideas? are there a million undiscovered worlds inside peoples heads that are waiting to burst forth?

do we all actively hide them? or are they being actively suppressed? what do we need to liberate our thoughts?

is freedom an ends & means in & of itself?

joe - save me

yumiko is a student here - we have always been friends of a sort and she walks the finest edge between all of us. the perfect little japanese diplomat.

For fuck's sake, LET ME BE YOUR ENABLER!

no one knows what they are doing next year. its part of the fun. oh shit. I graduate and then what the fuck do i do? AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA...or something along those lines. i think i figured out my broad goal to be langauge learning of some sort - first up: spanish & mandarin so its china or south/central america.

yeah, india and good cups of coffee dont fucking click - this powdered shit is killing me i cannot wait to drink some good f-in java in europe and then the jerz. that sounds fun in seattle give my love to those who you think id like to share it with and make sure to give tons and tons.

yeah school is an f-in joke as my friend mcat will tell you, draw out the 'm' when you saw her name tis fun.

yeahyeah procrastination beats the shit out sleep.



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