ive been reading a range of stuff - lets see -
samskara, the sacred thread, 7 science fiction/fantasy novels, civil wars by june jordan, on violence by hanna arendt, the 9/11 commission report, a focault reader, a reader about sex in india, three books on prostitution in india, mary daly, the illigetimacy of nationalism by ashis nandy, timeless simplicity by john lane, a bunch of works by this indian press: kali for women, reports about the world tribunal on crimes against women, dozens of essays about caste, class, tribal society, gender, development, india's economic policys, new acts being intro'd into the parliment, a book on gandhi -- i think thats most of it, but im sure i forgot something in there that i wanted to include.
yeah its alot but thats one of the ways i pass the time here - the other students mostly pass it by sleeping, watching movies, drinking smoking, and whining; i pass it by working - im being way to simplistic and overcritical and superior but they started drinking today at noon and we've got a 15 pg paper due in 9 days and its not a normal bullshit paper its a research paper - i mean whatever - ive got to accept folk as they are right? right. but its hard for me to deal and when in the context of group identity not individual identity the effects of them effects me and its like - wtf? i dont want to be isolated, i dont want to be on the outside and i will hear your criticisms of me about my attitudes toward you but when you do jack shit all day - and you still ask me to be all sorts happy crappy - and then you fucking whine about being bored?! i want to punch you upside the head, not really, but verbally. and not even that actually, i just want to know why people spend their time sitting around - maybe i should just ask - and i need to state that this is not all of the students just about half.
yeah yeah max max from montclair, she is rad, and hot and all sorts of interesting...ahem...yeah...um...i mean...we have a month in ghana...yeah...
i dont know if jersey outside of the diners, the highways the coffee shops the friends' hearts or certain restuarants will ever feel like home again - i think i lost home awhile ago - and im kind of sad for it. but ive got a backpack, an email account, and a memory filled with faces that i love so i can make new homes the world over.
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