Thursday, May 01, 2003

not like ths

this cant ahppen this aint right this aint real i aint gonna take it any more

my life is being consitently hijacked by assholes in up in the white house and ive got no more control i cant fight back cause they got all the weapons and they got all the power and they got all the money and im left alone in the woods with my stick and my cat and i cant do shit

every second passes it just gets worse and the

fuck this other where did it go why cant i have it back why did it have to leave why did it fly away like that why i am here why are we here is the question i am asking why dont you have the answer

what am i writing what am i saying i have no clue ive got no answers ive got no decisions or im undecided and im suppossed to perform tonigt at 7pm and ive got shit to read and there is enormous pressure on my head more than on atlas and im just 19 all i want is peice and it aint here it aint now and i aint gonna make through another day.

its fuckin 442 pm and im leaving in less than 5 months for hawaii and there rest of the time is going to be suffering through fucking work and my rents and all the shit people my age suffer through and we all know whats up but its to much to bitch about to complian about cant we speak out about cant we get fucking pissed that no one listens to us cause we are sequesterd away in classrooms for the time in our lives we are all full of passion and asskicking and wont let no body step to us - and we accept it and we say sure i neeeeeeeeeeeeeed to go to school i neeeeeeeeeeeeed to lsiten i neeeeeeeeeeeeed to follow rules and i fucking know that this shit aint trrue i know my life is more than this more than grades and more than cars and more than suvs and more than any thing you can set in front of me ever and we all want is nothing more than peace and happiness and to be loved

i guess im asking too much


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