Wednesday, August 10, 2005

yup. pasta. joe might be leaving his job, the other joe might be moving back home. this summer has been so fine but so wierd. i have a plethora of loose ends to tie up asap and i am quintessentially a lazy lazy boy.

last time sheet for nccc
papers for class
reading for class
log for class
drop off inspection sheet at garage
eat more pasta
hang out with matt
hang out with leora
no dying while on bike(today was close)
maybe create some type of spending saving plan

talk with people. im skipping names cause its easier, kind of. we hung up today and that silence sat there in my mind and the phone and i just should of said, whats wierd? cause i feel wierd and im not sure why. how do you feel? i feel like we arent talking about something that we might need to talk about. or maybe not. maybe we just arent talking enough, or maybe we just arent talking.

and right now, im talking to you, cause no one else knows who this is, bobby pins, im sorry about the cookies comments and the edge that has been in my side of the conversations recently, i dont know why it is. ive been a dick and i am sorry. especially about the diet soda last night and the cigarettes. i apologize. i do not want to be a source of stress for you, id like to be quite the opposite in fact. so id like to sit down and talk with you, in person, and maybe even at beantowne how we used to. cause while we cant really walk backwards, we can walk forwards together.

ok, so that was on my mind and my parents have been at each others throats for a spot now. but malcolm and them leave saturday meaning demetrius has the house to himself for a week, maybe a nice dinner party? or just some naked walking around is in order. alright tomorrow must be a full day and fully powered by bike i hope.

crosses fingers prays to pedal gods and hopes for the best.


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