today was a good day.
music is such an eternally beautifully form of communication. songs and movement and the slow learning process of humility. i think im learning something.
bhajans are beautiful rounds of song. ash, today is ash wednesday. i would of never given it second though or even remembered if it wasnt for caroline and her bringing ash to bhajan.
ash. just what ashi is. ash from fire, the fire that heated our bath water. fire, consumes yet fuels. it can bring great pain or great joy. and fire burns fuel. ash is whats left of the fuel - what cant be burnt or the pure essence of what was burned.
what was left behind, the process of leaving behind of letting go and just breathing. but there is intent in this breath. there is purpose. there is a reason and a goal, a very clear goal. to let go and move on from what was and what i was to let go to back off to let it drop to the ground so that i may be ok.
is this question on going? do i not answer it? am afraid?
how do i feel today?
great. a bit lighter even.
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