Friday, February 04, 2005

i really hate my roommate right now. nicole is her name. and i hate her right now.

and i really hate how personal a roommate is and how you could not seperate yourself from that attachment as most attachments due to the deeply personal nature of the attachment, you sleep in the same place, shit on the same pot and stand naked on the same tile daily. the connection there is naked and strong, giving it overly undue wieght on your mindset. so that roommate conflict fucking blows because it reaches everywhere in your life

and when you are living with 10 people 24 hrs a day in a foriegn country they are everywhere and avioding them is hard and futile, so you dont even try to do it and then they are just everywhere.

distraction comes as your best weapon and that fails at points when the tension is present when they play music in the same room as you and you just sit there and create a stronger feeling of anger and rage at them because you are sure that they are doing it just to get at your nerves and when they play bjork and then sing along - all you really want to is get a new roommate or live alone, but that would not accomplish much at all.

so you breathe and accept the reality that you are faced with. because as much as it sucks, you dont seem to have many recourses sans conflict resolution though you are not trained in it.

smash crash boom bash fuck kill maim or just avoid but you cant seem to do that either, so maybe you'll just go and take a nap or read a book cause being here does not make you feel any better.


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