Taken from the mission statement of the Bergen Action Network.
It is the aim of the Bergen Action Network to recognize and develop the vast potential inherent among the young towards the creation of a broad, grassroots, youth-based network (Sadly, we are no longer youth based. There are forces within the Bergen Action Network that hold unreasonable amounts of influence. While, in numbers we may be 'youth based' we are no longer 'youth based', unless you consider having a group of youth be politically molded by those cresting the time of life known as youth. The youth in the organization are most often overly influenced by those cresting into adulthood. If 'youth based' means that the goals, actions, and processes of political creation that keep the BAN fire burning are collectively organized by youth then we are moving away from that position. If by 'youth based' you mean having our numbers be youth, but having the sway be older, then that is what we are) capable of serving as an outlet for political expression and a catalyst for radical social change. (Radical social change would be addressing the root of the problem: capitalism, more specifically american stlye liberal democracy with neo-liberal global eonomies. As an organization the Bergen Action Network is fully entrenched within the capitalist system thus creates a tie between political activism and cash, a tie that need not exist. Positions taken by BAN are not always geared toward creating 'radical social change.' For example not agreeing to support the DNC protests in Boston. For example supporting the harvesting of a cash crop thus simply painting a pretty face on economic imperialism. For example consistently putting issues of gender, race, and class on the back burner to pursue other projects. For example supporting legislative efforts and working with representatives from Bergen County. BAN is not radical.)
We are dedicated to maintaining a specific emphasis upon the youth of Bergen County, New Jersey and to operating as a decentralized, nonhierarchical organization. (Recently the decentralized aspect of our mission has blossomed strongly, it is an exciting turn of events. However, there is an established hierarchy in the BAN. This is unfortunate, the hierachy is one of skills reinforced with patriarchy and paternalism. Skill hierarchies are not always negative as long as the skills are being constanly spread and shared. The skill hierarchy also presents a problem when the person(s) at the top decide what skills are to be used and thus disseminated. That control on tactics can be constricting. The exisiting skill hierarchy has carved deep paths in the psyche of BAN causing new skills and tactics to be looked over, dismissed, ignored, and, at times, flat out rejected by the top of the skill hierarchy. To maintain a 'non-hierarchal organization' there must be no hierarchy, this is not case. The existing hierarchy must be removed.)
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