So, ive been doing ecological design work for the past three weeks and my desire to read a city in history by lewis mumford grows daily. Do any of y'all still have a copy that i could borrow? Also, a book recomendation for everyone is: A Pattern Language: Towns-Buildings-Construction. It talks about patterns of interaction in many levels of out lives and is enthralling.
On another note, Vermont in the summer is wonderful, im situated on a camping platform overlooking the pond on campus and the nearby horse farm(anne i think of you every morning when i greet the horses). This program is over tomorrow and im home for two days and then back for a week of relaxtion and gardening before the political theory heavy program starts. Its amazing the level of context that our trip has allowed me to put political concepts and realities in - especially here - this comes up daily and i cant help but recall incidents of our adventures.
Anyone who wants to get away from where-ever should visit - its paradise up here. its also free to stay with cheap meals and nothing to do but relax, or sit in on a class or help with building the barn, or help in the garden or hike in the woods, and on and
on...and the people are amazing. there is a level of critical thinking and analysis that i've never run across in progress political communities(in any political community) before - divirgent views are accepted and encouraged just to keep the dinner table debates lively. learning is a constant process, from sun up to sun down.
ok - much love, hope, and happiness to all im off to finish my final project (forest management plan!!!)
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