Sunday, October 05, 2003

rain. the first real rain ive been caught in since i left home. i love the rain. i love dancing in the rain gettgin wet singing songs to myself about nothing and feeling the rain make its sweet sweet love to my skin by covering every exposed inch of my fleshwith its soft warm sugary touch. invigorating stimulating and inspiring the world needs more rain, especially in south africa where due to some extreme changes in world wide weather patterns due to the increas of global warming thanks to the reluctance of most countries to beginto take measures to rudece the harmful emissions of thier factories, power plants, cars, and machines.

im not lying about thing here. ive been seeing it everywhere i go. and hearing about from everyone else as i go there. new jersey had its wetest june in memory while when i go to south africa its summer is dry as a dessert when it is supposed to be wetter than a fresh watermelon. i dont know about the european patterns but i should be asking and ill try to. but this is scary and real. and no on else seems tyo be acknowledgint the fact. so carpool, drive less, and bike more, walk, take mass transportation when possbile, turn off your air conditioner in your car and in your home, plant as many plants as you can. just keep doing it and dont stop cause opne day there will be no more plants and too many cars and nothing left but concrete and steel. notyhing to play in, nothing to love in, nothing to laugh in, notihing to take and to remake into new and unfounded images, no challenges left for humantiy but to save itself from itself. can we do that? i hope so cause if we dont its over and its over fast.

uplifting cheery, thats how i should be acting after the dreams ive been having. last nights was one about pure joy, rapture, group happiness, and unbridled joy at the begining of new adventure. i woke up smiling and went to be smiling after another amazing latye night kitchen conversation over tea. with another beautiful person, first tanya, the 4th year university student from canada whonhas been working on anti globalization projects since she was at least 16, wehn that was when she went to nepal and put together a book about the lives of children factory workers. ahem. man do i feel as if i am doing nothing but wasting my time some days. but we both agreed that this tiem in our lives is one of personal freedom and exploration accepting the fact that we cannot do everythinhg we want to do, and me especially being that i am moving so rapidly, so i can improve myself as much as i can in my power, get some banging grades so that the old people will finance my globe trotting for as long as possibly and come back to america with some new views some new ideas some new experriences so that when i have a chance to kick some ass i can, keeping the challenging of freeing both my self and the rest of world balanced on the same plate and in the same time fram until the day comes that i can longer breath life into what i touch or into who i talk to or until the people that i meet can no longer breathe life into me. this is where i am right now. why fret about it? accept it and kick some serious ass.


human i feel much better about myself after that little bit o' typin.

with love



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