Tuesday, December 16, 2003


i feel disassociated.

i just had a unmatchable throw down rough make out session with lilliane, thats been building for months and i feel disassociated. like the whole thing did not just happen. or that it happened and means nothing. i dont want that. it was good, it was forceful, strong, moving, flowing. sloppy, oh so sexily sloppy. it was painful, exciting. passionate, sexy, fleshy, warm, cold. it was a makeout session to rival all makeout sessions, it easily tops anything ive done in at least a year and yet im siting here not at all excited or pumped or jazzed, just eh.

maybe its the tired, maybe the sour stomach, maybe the brain is dampening it. maybe.

i wish i knew what was wrong with me.

i want to be excited for what just happened. she pushed me around and had me so turned on i was going to explode, there wasnt a hint of reservation in her and she made that claer, she moaned and groaned and smiled giggled, ran her fingers through my hair, marked me, marked her territory, played by her rules, there was such a powerful drive pushing her hips and her lips into mine i just dived right into the current and let her move me. she had control and i loved it. i want more. she is so beautiful.



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