and the all-mighty gods of mood swings have once again struck demetrius and passed leaving nothing but destruction in their wake.
no, really kids, its a wild ride up in this skull of mine, a tumultous roller coaster of veggie oil greased pre-cut and packaged for freshness emotional waves which i like to ride buck nekkid on a peice of petrified drift wood during those early morning throws of yes and no.
today was better.
seperation is key.
along with good tofu. hm. i indulged in premade food. i think it helped me to break down what zoe refers to as 'insanity barriers' right now im not feeling super confident about it. but, that is disucussion to be had with myself at a later date - while i lie in bed tonight trying to sleep - and will probably result in more barriers.
im learning how to drive stick
and holy shit - welcome to quite the challenge.
but yay! challenges are always enjoyed
i figured out how to upload pics off the video camera to the computer. i feel all special. yay for myself.
totally going to bed.
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