its not complicated. and even if it is. its beautiful. its life; wonderful life! it wouldnt be so otherwise. complication only means there are more layers to peel and enjoy, more chances to explore and things to talk about once you get over the awkward silence. and yeah, there will be awkward silences, sometimes necessary. just cause. and yup im totally nuts, and sometimes totally unable to talk about anything cause im to fucking afraid and i dont think enough before i speak. such a simple thing? like chewing carrots instead of making my fingers bleed. there is no hurt. nothing serious, just some scrapes, but whats life without the bitter? im sure it aint as sweet. enough with the cliches already! god i want some potatoes. you, tomorrow, we make minutes for hugs and talking. or ill bake pies with out you.
i found some soy garden in my fridge today. i almost ate it. and then i remembered and smiled. and then i drank chocolate soymilk and smiled too. cause there aint no thang like baking pies on a sunday with a loverly friend who you wouldnt mind baking pies with again.
hugs ya? its almost 330am. fab, eh? id like to do this internship in north carolina, would be fab. tomorrow will be spent trying to finish applications for internships and then mailing them out, i dont know if i work or not, we will have to see. maybe ill even get the chance to hug bunches of people.
right now im debating with myself watching the sunrise or not, probably not. but maybe someday soon. god this is going to be a nuts summer.
a summer of nuts!
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