Wednesday, October 17, 2007

In my last post i talked about some of my favorite spots in nj and comparing things is normal for me so i thought about my fav sf places

and gah
am i really wrting about this/doing this well in sf i never thought that i was attractive, interesting or even relatively fuckable but ive had this string of experiences that is changing my mind. i need to slow down and really think deeper about things cause otherwise ill rush head long into things, like getting triple sat, and not plan out my movements, with some simple planning and thinking ahead, it all goes alot smoother. ive been humming/repeating this mantra in my head during work and while biking for the past few days: get your mis en plac in its mis on place before you get mis en fucked, now i know its a crude destruction of a sacred term for the hospitality/restaurant industry but its true. for me. if i dont get it all ready and plan for the possible conudrums later in the evening, i do end up getting mis en fucked, by say, running out of printer paper or balsamic vinegar. so during that hour of setup paying attention to details is so important and yeah, details like lining up the tables/glasses/spacing the silverware are important too but not having black pepper looks worse to a guest, or not knowing which wines are 86ed and having to come back and be like, Im sorry sir or madam we are out of that vintage or that winemaker currently. Having to tell a guest that we cant do something or are out of something, really irks me.

hm, its house gossip time. ive got to go.


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