This is my friend Kayla's website, she takes pictures. Good pictures. You should look at them.
love, life, and lentil soup
One activist's never ending search for adventure, love, fun, and sustenance in this paper mache world.
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- life is flexible; a joyous conflagration of unbrid...
- i wish that we were living in the same place right...
- Mangos! I eat mangos almost everyday down here an...
- Here is the prompt:The objective of this work is t...
- so, the other day in class, meg and brit and i wer...
- i really enjoyed this article about recycling. com...
- amazing. things.the position with the centro de id...
- excerpt from email. this shit - "She said that I a...
- i needed to leave the house today. its tense. the ...
- wow. mhm. that does bear repeating now. wow. today...
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