do i always start with its funny? do i say its funny cause i dont understand and laugh a little bit to ease the discomfort? or is it really humourous?
so, its funny(or is it) how my mood flip flops like a dead fish cause of one thing. a silly piece of paper which people are demanding things i think arent a necessity. i mean, cmon fuckers, you cant always get what you want. but wait a second - i think wants are of great value and importance to advance us as a people. so then how do i understand my dissmissal of the groups wants - unecessary - are they? id say so. but then cant i use that or someone use that to dismiss all want as uneccessary, where does my intersection of want and necessity meet? how far does each go and are the wants that are ok, only my wants?
but, is this more so the case of me deciding that it was ok for everyone else to sign the sheet, but not me because i felt i didnt want to. or i didnt feel it was necessary or i choose to continue to hold myself apart from the others based on simple differences. is it really all that important to not support those demands? and to question the method by which they have been deliverd to everyone? has the message been effectively delivered to everyone? ive got doubts. and why? what are the reasons behind this? and what reasons do i deem ok?
aside from the questions - wow, my mind operates in such a strong negative positive, extreme on both ends way that my language patterns are strongly influenced by it - icky icky sticky - so emily shocked me last night, she came up to me and was like, hey listen dont feel pressured by the petition, i understand if you dont want to sign. amazing! this sense of awareness and understanding that exists within someone whom i keep discovering is filled with all sorts of nooks and crannys of interesting awesome ness.
ok im getting off the box soon.
i love people who dont tie their shoe laces.
anarchists using blogs? what?
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